Ridiculously Simple Observer Pattern with PHP 5.3 and Closures

Posted: March 25th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Tutorials | Tags: , | No Comments »

The observer pattern is a handy design pattern often used in UI-focused languages like JavaScript, but not often used in PHP. Prior to PHP 5.3, the observer pattern was cumbersome to use and required a lot of objects – one for every possible observer. However, anonymous functions (Closures) in PHP 5.3 can replace the previously used Observer objects. This makes the observer pattern much more practical by reducing the number of classes that you need to make, often for one-time use.

Let’s write up our basic Observable object. You may want to make this class abstract since it’s probably not useful on its own.

class Observable
     * @var array Map<string eventName, List<Closure observer>> $_observers
    protected $_observers = array();
     * @param string $eventName
     * @param array $data
    protected final function _fireEvent($eventName, array $data = null)
        if (isset($this->_observers[$eventName]))
            foreach ($this->_observers[$eventName] as $observer)
     * @param string $eventName
     * @param Closure $observer With parameter (array $data)
    public final function addObserver($eventName, Closure $observer)
        if (!isset($this->_observers[$eventName]))
            $this->_observers[$eventName] = array();
        $this->_observers[$eventName][] = $observer;
     * @param string $eventName
     * @param Closure $observer The observer to remove
    public final function removeObserver($eventName, Closure $observer)
        if (isset($this->_observers[$eventName]))
            foreach ($this->_observers[$eventName] as $key => $existingObserver)
                if ($existingObserver === $observer)

Now that we have the basic observable class, let’s look at a simple example:

class Person extends Observable
    protected $_name;
    protected $_friends = array();
    public function __construct($name)
        $this->_name = $name;
    public function getName()
        return $this->_name;
    public function getIntroducedTo(Person $person)
        $this->_friends[] = $person;
        $this->_fireEvent('introduced', array('other' => $person, 'me' => $this));
$sally = new Person('Sally');
$sally->addObserver('introduced', function(array $data)
        echo 'Hi, ' . $data['other']->getName() . ', my name is ' .
            $data['me']->getName() . '.';
$sally->getIntroducedTo(new Person('Harry'));

The output will be "Hi, Harry, my name is Sally.". Note that you can easy modify the greeting Sally uses from outside that Person object without changing the functionality of adding the friend.

And there you have it – the observer pattern and an example, in less than 75 lines of code!